Visual Arts

Holy Spirit Prep Upper School offers a wide range of courses in the visual arts from introductory classes in basic studio concepts to Advanced Placement in Drawing and 2D design. Students can elect to take art courses that focus specifically on one media; such as photography and ceramics, or they can broaden their focus in studio art classes that cover a variety of media and technique. All visual arts courses at HSP follow the Georgia Performance Standards with an emphasis on portfolio development and the exploration of personal content. Students who wish to pursue the visual arts more in-depth have the ability to study art for all 4 years of their High School tenure. Every year the Visual Arts department partners with the Yearbook to produce a segment that highlights the accomplishments of our students in the arts. Student work is also showcased in the annual Archdiocesan Art Show and has been chosen for both the Atlanta Dogwood Festival and the All State Art Symposium. The visual art department is dedicated to both art production and arts advocacy and in such conducts a yearly art-based service project as well as participates fully in the Atlanta art community.

Visual Arts clubs include:

National Art Honor Society
Grade 10-12, by invitation
Members are selected based on both their GPA and participation within the art department. Students in this club are in charge of planning and conducting arts based service projects once per semester.  In the past they have run a free arts and crafts camp, drawn portraits for orphans overseas, made handmade cards for those who are ill and much more. Students also plan and participate in quarterly art gallery visits and participate in regional art competitions.

Grades 9-12
Each year the Visual Arts department partners with the Yearbook Class to produce a segment that highlights the accomplishments of our students in the arts. Those interested in the selection process and graphic design help to build layouts and produce the annual yearbook segment.