The House System

A crucible for leadership.
A family of students.

At Holy Spirit Prep, students are “tied” into a House which they will call their House for the rest of their lives. The House System serves as a platform for intrascholastic competition and collaboration throughout the school year. Our alumni love to return to campus and check up on their House.

Head Girl
Head Boy
President, House of Trent
President, House of Nicaea
President, House of Lyons
President, House of Chalcedon
Head Girl

I am so excited and honored to serve Holy Spirit Preparatory School as this year's Head Girl. I have attended HSP since Pre-K 3 and so needless to say, I have grown up in this school which, in turn, has brought me countless blessings. The community that HSP fosters is a community that has shaped me into the young women that I am incredibly proud of. As Head Girl, it will be my privilege to lead others by example, to lead others in their faith, in the same way that I have been led and continue to be led. HSP is dedicated to each student's individual success, both academically and spiritually, so I am ecstatic to be able to participate in this during my senior year. However, this is a big responsibility and I will be needing some help. Chosen to lead alongside me is Emil Sacco who, like me, knows the importance of this role and is well equipped to execute it in the best way possible. Together, we will be working closely with the new House presidents to ensure that the House system, a fundamental part of our school, is running as it should.

Head Boy

It has always been a dream of mine to serve this amazing school as its Head Boy, and now that dream has become a reality. 1 Peter 4:10 reads: “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the multifaceted grace of God”. I hope that I can take St. Peter’s words to heart and give back to the place and people who have given me so much. As your Head Boy, it will be my responsibility to make sure that HSP’s House System runs smoothly and also to lead my fellow students closer to the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father. In the 6 years since I have come to Holy Spirit Prep, this community has helped me grow in ways I never could have imagined, both academically, socially, and most importantly, spiritually. I hope that next year I can help others grow too, for that is what is most important in one’s time in high school: that they are equipped with the skill and the mentality that will help them become the strong Catholic men and women God is calling them to be. I am someone who is dedicated, confident, and willing to do whatever it takes to help this happen. However, I understand the importance of having a great team when it comes to getting things done and impacting others. I have been blessed to be paired with Analise, who I know will be an amazing Head Girl, and a great group of Presidents who like me, also value service as their top priority. I am so excited for next year, and cannot wait to see what happens next.

President, House of Trent

I am thrilled to have been chosen to lead the House of Trent in this upcoming school year! I have attended Holy Spirit Prep since third grade and have formed countless unforgettable friendships and memories ever since. One of the most vivid memories I have as a student is the day I was initiated into the House of Trent in 5th grade.  This event was particularly memorable as it marked an entrance into a new family and further solidified a sense of belonging within the school, unifying students from both the Upper and Lower School under a shared goal: to grow in virtue and to triumph above the other Houses at the end of the academic year. In the coming year, I hope to invigorate Trent morale by organizing fun and exciting flex events as well as various methods of fundraising to allow for more House exclusive lunches and other fun events. However, these tasks will be difficult to complete on my own, which, thankfully, I will not have to do. I will not only rely on the support and efforts of the entire House of Trent to achieve these goals, but also on the collaborative efforts of other Trent leaders such as our House captains, representatives, prefects, and vice president, Kaitlyn Hatchew. Thank you and I am excited to serve next year and hope to make it a fun and incredible year!  Sapientia Vitam Da!

President, House of Nicaea

Words cannot express how honored I am to be leading the House of Nicaea this year. When I first came to HSP in sixth grade, I knew exactly which House I wished to join: the House with the coolest mascot and a reputation for success. I have been a proud member of Nicaea ever since, and I can’t wait to lead our House to victory with the help of Nicaea’s leadership team! I will be working closely with Vice President Samantha Vazquez to ensure a fun and successful year! The Nicaea Captains, Davis Braun and Melany Menay, will be instrumental in facilitating everyday events. The sophomore Nicaea Prefects, Sophie and Suzy Gregory, have done a phenomenal job running the Cougar Cafe, and I am so glad to have them leading once again. Best of luck to our upcoming freshman candidates! I can’t wait to see what next year holds in store for Nicaea,  and I will do everything in power to ensure an enjoyable, memorable, and remarkable year.

Remember Nicaea’s full motto is Veritas, Virtus, TRIUMPHUS!

President, House of Lyons

I am extremely honored to be the House of Lyons President this year.  I have attended HSP since Pre-K 2 and was placed into the House of Lyons when I entered 5th grade.  At that point, I did not realize the impact that the House system would have on me. As the year progressed, I realized that the House system had more merit to it than I first thought. It was satisfying to beat the other Houses in competitions and to even win the year when I was in sixth grade. Competing with the other Houses strengthened my connection with the other classmen. The House of Lyons' leadership is very strong this year with Jacob Wilhelm as Vice President, Camila Florentino and Lilah Sell as Captains,  Anastasia Grantham and Mary Meyer Martin as the 10th grade prefects.   I think that we have a pretty competitive team and I am hoping that our House will win the House trophy this year. This school year I hope to bring our House and community closer together, but more importantly, I want to strive for victory!

President, House of Chalcedon

I am so excited to be the new President for the House of Chalcedon! I have been at Holy Spirit Prep since fourth grade and have always been inspired by the House system. The House of Chalcedon is the best family to be a part of, and will always be a great community to be a part of while at school. I cannot wait to expand the House system and implement new and fun systems in order to bring more spirit to the House, especially for all incoming members. I am also looking forward to working closely with Issac Olguin, my Vice President, and the other leaders who will be a part of my team. I am excited to make this a fun and memorable year for everyone, and am so thankful to have this opportunity to be president!

House Motto
Semper Melius ("Always better")

House Saint
St. Jude

Council of Lyons
March 31,1272


House Motto
Veni vidi vici ("I came, I saw, I conquered")

House Saint 
St. Thomas Aquinas

Chalcedon Council 
October 8 - November 1, 451


House Motto 
Veritas, Virtus, Triumphus (“Truth, Virtue, Triumph”)

House Saint
St. Peter, Holy Apostle, First Pope, and Martyr

Council of Nicaea
325 AD


House Motto
Sapientia Vitam Dat ("Wisdom gives life")

House Saint
St. Anthony

Council of Trent


Key Aspects of the House System

• Service projects
• Fundraisers
• Sponsoring school events, i.e., Homecoming, Spring Dance, and House Days
• House feast days
• Hosting school athletic and non-athletic contests
• Sharing meals together
• Academic and peer mentoring
• Sponsoring House apostolates

Leadership Opportunities

Head Boy and Head Girl are responsible for being the “faces” of Holy Spirit Prep.  They are the leaders of the student body and partake in all aspects of our community, including being members of the Honor Council and Leadership Council.

President and Vice President (1 of each per house, Seniors): Presidents lead their respective house with the guidance of the faculty House Adult. Presidents are members of the Leadership Council.

Captains (2 per house, Juniors)
Prefects (4 per house, 2 Freshmen and 2 Sophomores)

Middle School Reps (1 per house per grade in 6th, 7th and 8th grades): The Middle School Representatives make up the Middle School Leadership Council which connects to and mirrors the Upper School Leadership Council.