Planned Giving

The Caritas Legacy Society honors the thoughtfulness of those who have included Holy Spirit Prep in their estate plans. Their gifts provide important financial support for the school's future - gifts that will impact future generations of HSP scholars. Planned gifts are foundational to advancing our vision of forming students into deeply faithful, profoundly magnanimous men and women.

Why Make a Planned Gift? 
Planned gifts enable Holy Spirit Prep to plan its programs, activities, curriculum and physical plant into the future - while keeping tuition as low as reasonably possible. Planned gifts allow you to make a statement of support that will become your lasting legacy. Your commitment to HSP during your lifetime will enable this school to plan now for future needs, while ensuring excellent education for generations to come.

Types of Planned Gifts

There are several ways you can include HSP in your planned giving both now and into the future:

  • Specific bequests (including appreciated securities or assets such as real estate)
  • Qualified charitable distributions from IRAs (if you are over age 70-½)
  • Charitable trusts
  • Naming HSP as a beneficiary of retirement accounts
  • Naming HSP as a beneficiary of insurance policies

Helping You Make the Best Choice
Planned giving is a personalized process. Our advancement staff and team of financial planners can help you decide on the gift that best fits your charitable wishes and financial goals. To start your planned giving with HSP, contact Ed Festa, Senior Director of Advancement at

We are deeply grateful to the people who have left legacy gifts to HSP. Their foresight, their vision, and their investment in our students inspire us in executing our mission, and ensure the success of HSP in that mission for years to come. 

Why Caritas?
In Latin, caritas is "the theological virtue by which we love God above all things for His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1822). It describes giving of one's self for the benefit of others - a mirror of God's love for us. It is also an apt image of the planned giver, who leaves an investment in the formation of future generations as an integral part of his or her legacy.  

The Flaming Dove
Our patron, the Holy Spirit, is characterized by a dove and by tongues of fire descending on the Apostles at Pentecost. The Catechism notes that "fire symbolizes the transforming energy of the Holy Spirit’s actions"  (CCC 696). Indeed, we see Holy Spirit at work, inspiring caritas in our benefactors and forming the moral character of each of our students.