Watch Clips from Past Addresses
In less than three minutes, Meredith Jones explains what makes HSP distinct from Atlanta's other educational choices.
Dr. Evans explains why you should stop wasting time reading parenting books.
Dr. Evans on how to hold the line with your kids on the important things.
Dr. Evans on how parents can help their students be independent.
Danny Flynn explains the difference between traditional, Catholic, and classical Catholic schools.
Danny Flynn reflects on two values important to classical education: wonderment and pondering.
Danny Flynn concludes his talk by outlining the ultimate goals of classical education compared to other models.
Mike Verlander numbers the successes he has had in his classroom by implementing classical styles.
Tommy Curtin explains how classical education moves beyond "college and career readiness."

Mr. Hanna's address, "What is the Real (Catholic) Definition of Wealth?"

The question-and-answer session after Frank Hanna's address.

About Inspiratio

Formed in 2012 in response to community requests to support HSP parents in their calling to faithful parenthood, Inspiratio: Inspiration for The Soul is a curriculum series of speakers, events, and content presented throughout the school year. With the understanding that families are always the primary educators of their children, we recognize that parents, faculty, and staff must successfully collaborate in the success of each and every child. The Inspiratio series will highlight critical topics to facilitate and enhance this collaboration.

Past Speakers

SEPTEMBER 23, 2013
Dr. Corey Labrecque, adjunct professor of theology and bioethics at Emory University 

Session: "Cultivating a Faith that Is Living, Conscious, and Active"

OCTOBER 29, 2013
Randy Hain, Catholic author and speaker

Session: "Raising Catholic Kids in Today's World"

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
Session: "The Joys and Challenges of Raising Daughters in Today’s Society: A Roundtable Conversation"

FEBRUARY 27, 2014
Mr. Frank Hanna, financier, philanthropist, and friend of HSP

Session: "What is the Real (Catholic) Definition of Wealth?"

APRIL 2, 2014
Jerome Flynn, educator at St. Jerome Academy in Hyattsville, MD

Session: What is Classical Education?"

SEPTEMBER 17, 2014
Dr. Bill Thierfelder, President of Belmont Abbey College

Session: Less Than a Minute to Go, on athletics in Catholic education.

NOVEMBER 12, 2014
Fr. Bruce Maivelett, SJ, director of the Ignatius House, 

Session: on Pope Francis' new book Church of Mercy.

Conor Gallagher, author of If Aristotle's Kid Had an iPod: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Parents

Andy Boyle on Keeping our Kids Safe Online

Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair on Technology and Healthy Relationships 

Medical Ethicist Kevin Wack

FEBRUARY 2, 2017
Inspiratio Parent Education Series presents The Curtins
"Creating a Culture of Literature at Home"