Our Preschool Curriculum

Holy Spirit Prep Preschool students develop a love of learning through a joyous journey of exploration and discovery together. Led by loving and knowledgeable teachers, our program emphasizes a developmentally appropriate approach to a preschool education that nurtures and forms the whole child… mind, body, and soul… encouraging social-emotional, academic, and virtuous learning via hands-on, Christ-centered experiences. This special mix lays the foundation for life-long learning and true success.

Working in a partnership with families, we create one school family where students grow and thrive in a nurturing environment, enabling each child to realize their potential in these critical early years.

The Preschool program is designed to be an enriching learning experience suited to the developmental needs of young children. The curriculum is brain-based and heart-focused. Multi-sensory activities are planned in a sequential manner to enhance the complete development of each child and recognize the dignity of each child as a perfect creation of God. This approach is incorporated in the following subject areas:

  • Faith: develop our knowledge and relationship with our loving God while celebrating the richness of our Catholic Faith. Stories of Saints, scripture, virtues, prayers, and liturgical celebrations expose us to the beauty and truth of our faith and bring us ever closer to Christ, one another, and our ultimate goal of Heaven.
  • Reading: develop phonological and phonemic awareness through exposure, recognition, sound and syllable patterns, and vocabulary building, laying the appropriate foundation for reading readiness and lifelong comprehension and communication success. This process develops communication skills that enable each child to share his/her world with others.
  • Mathematics: develop knowledge that comes from the understanding of quantitative concepts through number manipulation and playful applications.
  • Science: develop a natural curiosity about the wonder of God’s world-leading the child to question, investigate, manipulate, classify and report findings.
  • Social Studies: develop an understanding of community structures and cultures that are broader than the experiences within our own family and school communities.
  • Spanish: develop an appreciation for the Spanish language and culture through song, story, and hands-on lessons.
  • Personal and Social Skills: develop social-emotional awareness and self-mastery as it relates to how we treat others and how we wish others treat us in return through seven skills: Composure, Encouragement, Assertiveness, Choices, Empathy, Positive Intent, and Consequences.
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills: the kinesthetic system, combining our sensory information and motor responses, is developed through intentionally designed learning experiences in which a student feels, touches, hears, and moves.  Connecting neural pathways to bodily movement, this system forms the basis for almost every task and action we will encounter in life.

These subject areas are also supported by our Enrichment classes. Students will go to each of the following classes once a week:

  • Chapel

  • Art

  • Creative Movement

  • Music

  • Spanish

  • STEAM Lab (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics)

  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium