Preschool Faith Community

Our Preschool has adopted the Montessori methods of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program of religious formation established in 1954 by Catholic disciples of the Montessori movement, Sofia Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi.

The foundational principle of the program is that even the youngest children have a unique relationship with God, and that the relationship’s growth can be assisted by an adult (but is directed by the Holy Spirit).

The Catechesis provides space for teachers to present truths and practices of the faith, and for students to experience and reflect on those. The program centers around “the atrium,” a classroom designated exclusively for CGS presentations with stations around the room.

Examples of Stations

  • Re-enacting the Gospel of Matthew’s parable of the pearl of great price, using a model pearl, merchant doll, and toy house
  • A child-sized altar, complete with chalices, ciborii, and cruets, where students can handle each and learn their place in Mass
  • Dressing a model in a cassock so students can learn about liturgical colors
  • A three-dimensional map of the physical geography of Bethlehem showing mountains, deserts, and water