Message from the Rector

Dear Families,

The Holy Spirit Prep mission is to form the Catholic person, instilling the principles of the gospel in our students from our youngest students to our high school seniors; and, indeed, in their families. This involves more than simply teaching doctrines. St. Francis of Assisi told his followers: “Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words.” On that principle, the greatest measurement of our success as a premier, Catholic preparatory school will always be reflected, first and foremost, by having graduates who know how to live the gospel in their daily lives.

As Rector of Holy Spirit Prep, it is my responsibility and privilege to ensure that the School’s mission of providing a classical, college preparatory education is anchored in that kind of authentically Catholic environment.

Our Head Chaplain then guides faculty and administration in incorporating Catholic faith into all aspects of school life on a daily basis. This is evident in our school Masses, in apostolates, in the classroom, on the athletic field, on the stage – in every sector of community life.

The Catholic Church holds that parents are the primary educators of their children. That means that the true Catholic school recognizes that role and becomes a partner with the parent in the formation of the child. It also means, of course, that the parent is also on the right track. So, the relationship of the school to the parent is a dual one – partner and guide. So, we invite, and love to have, the parents involved in our Masses and school life.


Msgr. Edward J. Dillon
President and Rector, Holy Spirit Preparatory School


Our School Prayer

We pray in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank you Lord for this day.
Thank you for the blessings you give us.
Thank you for making each one of us in your image.
Thank you for the special blessing of our families.

Help us to remember that you love us.
Help us to remember that you have a special place in your heart for us.
Help us to remember that our school is a communion of souls destined for joy.
Help us to remember that this communion is unique and precious.
Fill us with a faith that will accompany us.

Fill us with a faith that will encourage us.
Fill us with a faith that will inspire us.
Fill us with a faith that will console us.

Grant us magnanimity, a greatness of soul, so that all the other virtues we might
seek to acquire will blossom.
Grant us wisdom; and prudence, so that we may make good decisions for the rest
of our lives.
Grant us the development of heart, mind, body and soul such that we might
excel in your plan for our lives.
And grant that we may all seek communion with you and with one another.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Monsignor Edward J. Dillon
President and Rector

As an honoree of the Catholic Education Honor Roll, HSP subscribes to the Principles of Catholic Identity in Education.