Campus Ministry

Our campus ministry is dedicated to providing each student with opportunities to grow in faith and to love God and neighbor. Inspired by the words of Christ and our Catholic faith, we are committed to living out our school motto, Ministrāre non ministrārī, “To serve, not to be served.”

The campus ministry team, along with faculty and staff, offer countless opportunities to enhance the spiritual formation of our students. These opportunities include weekly Mass, prayer services, retreats, and service to the school and the wider community.  

Service Apostolates

The High School supports a wide array of service apostolates as well as many service projects throughout the year. Student-led and supported by our faculty, these apostolates are a prime opportunity to form generous, magnanimous servant leaders, to give back to our local community, and to serve those in need. And above all, by serving those in need, to serve Our Lord himself.  

Each students makes a year long commitment to join the apostolate(s) of his or her choice. Each apostolate is dedicated to a particular charism, inspired by the corporal or spiritual works of mercy:

The works of mercy are charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in his is spiritual and bodily necessities. Instructing, advising, consoling, comforting are spiritual works of mercy, as are forgiving and bearing wrongs patiently. The corporal works of mercy consist especially in feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and burying the dead. Among all these, giving alms to the poor is one of the chief witnesses to fraternal charity: it is also a work of justice pleasing to God. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2447

Note: Students may receive community service hours for the direct service they complete – this does not include time spent in meetings or in preparation. 

Charism: bury the dead, respect life
Supports the pro-life cause in various ways such as monthly rosaries, pro-life debates,  participation in the Atlanta Right to Life speech contest, and a trip to the Washington, D.C., March for Life in January.

St. Joseph's Cohort
Charism: shelter the homeless
Students are immersed into real world situations where great help is needed in order to improve the basics of life. Students will be actively engaged in assisting those less fortunate through works of home repair and/or construction both in the Atlanta area and during a one-week summer trip out of Georgia.

St. Vincent de Paul
Charism: clothe the naked, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty.
Focuses on the "neediest" of Atlanta - the hungry and homeless. We gather clothing for needy families. We visit the soup kitchen / homeless shelter and work with the Atlanta Food Bank. This is primarily a junior high apostolate with support from high school student leaders.

Cantius Society
Charism: educating future generations in places of great need. 
We are dedicated to the professional development and welfare of teachers in primary and secondary schools in Sierra Leone. We provide them with the supplies and resources they need to succeed. 

As an honoree of the Catholic Education Honor Roll, HSP subscribes to the Principles of Catholic Identity in Education.