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Dear Holy Spirit Prep Families
We are proud to announce that earlier this week, Holy Spirit Prep was named the most positive school in Atlanta by the Positive Athlete Organization. Our faith calls us to be genuine Christians who strive to do ordinary things extraordinarily well for the love of God and service to others, fulfilling our motto, “Ministrare non Ministrari”. This award is evidence of our amazing students fulfilling that call.
Congratulations to Erin McGrath (12) on becoming the two-time State Champion for girls Singles Tennis! We are extremely proud of Erin's accomplishment.
See the Athletic section below about the athletic events this coming week and come and support our State-bound athletes.
Almost unbelievably, next week of classes is the last for our seniors. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to discern their next steps in life. Congratulations to each of them!
Olivia Arnold
Laila Baker
Marxer Bendig
Nicholas Bertany
Kimberly Bohorquez
Ella Jayne Boyle
Mark Anthony Casillas
Luke D Ciprari
Dylan Delaney
Megan Nicole Denton
Aidan Padraig Dirr
Luke Oliver Farris
Isabella Grace Farris
Bailey Finch
Sarah Gregory
Micah Thomas Gunderson
Henry Herman
Catherine Hicks
Tomas Hossain-Aguilar
Asia Bay Jacobs
Hongyi Jiang
Kyle Jones
Dylan Jones
Daniel Jones
Brian Karangu
Maria-Sophia E Lindholm
Adam Marshall
Emerson Mason
Erin Elizabeth McGrath
Toland Lee Oakhill
Christopher Evan Olmert
Diana Pineda
Anthony Prentice
William Purvis
Elliana Henriquez Quallo
Allison Adale Riley
Clara Jeanne Sautre
Nicole Marie Southworth
Zackary Wandtke
Have a safe and blessed weekend!
In Christ,
Ed Lindekugel Head of School
2021-2022 Key Dates Calendar
2021-2022 Calendar
2022 - 2023 Key Dates Calendar (dated 3/18/2022)
Please note that dates are subject to change. Always refer to the Online Calendar for the most up-to-date calendar of school events and holidays.
If your child is 3-12 year old and would like to be a participant at Holy Spirit Catholic Church's Vacation Bible School (VBS), then this is for you!
VBS registration is officially open and space is limited based off of the number of adult volunteers. VBS is from July 11-15 from 9:00 am to Noon, in McDonough Hall.
This program is designed to help young people love their faith and learn more about the Catholic Church. We would love for all to join us for an epic adventure through the sacraments. If you are interested in joining us please register at this link and email Kaitlyn Callahan at with any questions!
Saturday, April 23
Varsity Track and Field at State Championship Strong Rock Christian School
Monday, April 25
No Events
Tuesday, April 26
Boys Varsity Soccer - BYE State First Round
Boys Middle School Soccer vs. Killian Hill Christian School - District Final 3:45pm • Home
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Terrell Academy - State First Round 5:00pm • Home
Girls Middle School Tennis at MAAC Championship 10:00am • Hudlow Tennis Center
Wednesday, April 27
Varsity Tennis - State Team Tournament 9:00am • John Drew Smith Tennis Center
Thursday, April 28
Friday, April 29 or Saturday, April 30
Girls and Boys Varsity Soccer State Quarter Final Time and Opponent TBD
We will have our only all-school Mass for this school year on May 11.
Mass will take place at Holy Spirit Catholic Church at 8:45 am and all Lower, Middle and Upper School students will attend.
Lower and Middle School students should be dropped off at the Upper School (details below). Lower and Middle School students will be transported by bus back to the Lower School after Mass.
Upper School: School starts at 8:30 am as usual. Students need to be at school by 8:30 am.
Middle School: School starts at 8:30 am as usual. Students need to be at school by 8:30 am. Carpool at the Upper School will be from 7:50 am to 8:25 am.
Lower School: School will start at 8:30 am instead of 8:00 am. Students need to be at school by 8:30 am. Carpool at the Upper School will be from 7:50 am to 8:25 am. Information will be provided to students who usually attend Early Morning Care from 7:20 am to 7:40 am.
Further information will be provided closer to the date.
Join us for a summer filled with camps!
Our summer camps are designed to support the formation of each student by embodying the four pillars of our school: faith, academics, athletics and the arts. Your student will continue to learn and grow throughout the summer in a fun, faith-filled environment.
Contact our Summer Camp Director, Caroline Nannis, at should you have any questions regarding the Summer Camp Program.
See our Summer Camp Program and sign up today!
Packed full of memories, the 2021-2022 yearbook is available to order online. This year’s book focuses on the four pillars of our community - Faith, Academics, Arts, Athletics - and the presence these pillars have in our students’ lives.
January 29, 2022 through May 30, 2022 - $80
Online yearbook sales will remain open until May 30, 2022. Students may purchase a yearbook on distribution day, while supplies last.
HOW TO ORDER Click here to order your yearbook or go to and search for the school name or by our job #14803. This is the same link for purchasing senior ads as well.
Buying online is very easy. The site will lead you through each step. You’ll select the student’s name via a search function, and then buy a book or senior ad for that specific student.
You may also call the Order Center if you’d rather make the transaction over the phone. The Herff-Jones number is (866) 287-3096.
Yearbooks will be distributed on the last day of school, Thursday, May 26, 2022, and students will have the opportunity for friends and classmates to sign them at a signing party. If you have yearbook questions, please contact the HSP yearbook advisor, Morgan Gallagher, at
Seniors receive a complimentary yearbook; you do not have to place an order for your 12th grade student.
Scan the QR code to order directly from your phone!
HSP’s COVID-19 Protocols are under weekly review. In the event of protocols being adjusted, they are updated internally and on our website.
As of March 15th, approximately $11 million in 2022 education tax credits still remain. If you would like to contribute or reapply, visit goal to complete the 20-second application process today before the cap is met!
Thank you to our 2022 GOAL Scholarship supporters! Your meaningful support of our school through the GOAL program will provide immeasurable benefits to our community.
Current 2022 GOAL Donors:
Scott and Margaret Acker
Albert Ahlstrom
Cannon and Lana Alsobrook
Michael and Kelly Angelo
Michele and Claudia Aquino
Kenneth and Catherine Athaide
Hunter and Brittney Bailey
Thomas and Bernadette Balestreire
Kevin and Tracy Bannon
John and Katherine Beauclair
Mark and Rebecca Bernier
Elbridge and Julie Bills
Ave Bransford
Debora Brown
Anthony and Cassandra Cabrera
Alan and Alyssa Carson
Louis and Devarra Casal
Vincent and Erika Ceyssens
Thomas and Laura Christian
Alice Claeys
Thomas and Audra Cole
John and Jennifer Cooper
Kelly and Colleen Craig
Cameron and Valerie Crandall
David and Stephanie Cusimano
James and Denise Dale
Curtis Dashiell
Jean Paul and Bibiana De Santolo
Shannon and Moira Denton
Patrick and Ann Devine
Brian and Kristen Didier
Monsignor Edward Dillon
Joseph and Danie Dinardo
James and Angela Dirr
Mark and Jennifer Doller
Agustin and Maria Durand
Christopher and Megan Durham
Richard and Mary Enzinger
James and Nancy Ewing
Howard Farris
Nathan and Sara Flood
John and Ashley Frey
Andrew and Blair Gowasack
Joshua and Marianne Gregory
Christopher and Renee Grubbs
Joseph and Jennifer Gustainis
David and Kimberly Hanna
Frank and Sally Hanna
William and Jeanne Heekin
Stephen and Margaret Hellrung
John and Lisa Herman
Forrest and Lisa Hibbard
Michelle Hines
Robert and Anne Holdsworth
Rehad Hossain and Francesca Aguilar
Jeffrey Huberty and Lisa Powell-Huberty
Michele Jackson
Jorge Torres and Maria Jaramillo
Neil and Carolyn Johnson
Erik and Karen Johnston
Michael and Cynthia Jones
Todd and Joann Jones
Patrick Keenan and Ana Brcek-Keenan
James and Maura Kelly
Joseph and Maria Kichler
Glenda Lazo
Kathryn Leahy
Forrest Leef and Dorothy Mitchell-Leef
Patrick and Katherine Lewis
Alvaro and Jane Lievano
Edward and Gina Lindekugel
Raymond and Erika Lindholm
Ludmilla Lopez
John and Judith Love
Kathleen Magnusson
Kelly Magnusson
Daniel and Emma Magree
Christopher and Wendolyn Markham
Summer Martin
Maxine McGrath
William and Ellen Miller
Terrence and Deborah Minor
George and Alice Missbach
Shapour and Berthe Mobasser
Jonathan and Barbara Muirhead
Nicholas and Tricia Mulcare
Juan and Maria Rosa Munoz
Mary Nagode
Brian and Amy Nannis
Zack and Ashley Napier
Jason and Jamie Neff
Joseph and Kelly Neumeier
Javier and Alanna Oliver
Edward and Catherine O'Meara
Kurt and Monica Oppermann
Andres Pelaez and Martha Vega
Lee and Kelli Pennington
An and Elizabeth Pham
Kyle and Meghan Pietrantonio
Anthony and April Piplica
Jeffrey and Vivian Proctor
Michael and Peggy Pusateri
Andrew and Manami Quattrociocchi
Peter and Bridget Radosta
James and Jennifer Richter
Charles and Susan Riepenhoff
Christopher and Christian Riley
Douglas and Leslie Rose
Emil and RuthSacco
William and Jennifer Sande
Ulises Ramirez Bourget Sanroman and Araceli Sanroman Gonzalez
Mike and Jessica Schelke
Steven and Kelsy Schwalb
Lu Anne Schwarz
Manny and Theresa Sequeira
John and Theresa Shutt
William and Karla Sipos
Jeffrey and Kelly Sprecher
Dennis and Nancy Sterk
Franics and Marcia Sullivan
Celso and Maria Torres
Paul and Betty Troup
Terry Trout
William and Patricia Turpin
Carl and Alicia Valenzano
Brian and Sherrie Van Oss
Vernal Vincent and Jennifer Gregorich-Vincent
Ivo Vissenberg
Mauricio and Laura Vives
Zachary and Christine Walker
Donald and Christine Welsko
Ryan and Kristina Wilhelm
Alexander and Christina Wulz
Harold and Lisa Wyatt
Charles and Therese Wyble
Anthony and Robin Yezzi
Jeffrey Zickus
Nannis & Associates Inc.
Apply now for your 2022 Georgia Tax Credit!
Contact Brittney Bailey at should you have any questions.
We invite you to read our April Newsletter.
See our Summer Camp Program and sign up today.
Registration information may be found on the following link for the Early Morning Care and After School Care for 2022 - 2023.
Early Morning Care and After School Care Registration for 2022-2023
We invite all Middle School parents to join us for appetizers and our second Middle School Parent Talk on April 27 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in the Lower School Dining Hall.
Fr. Juan Pablo Duran will be our presenter. Fr. Duran currently serves with the Legion of Christ in Atlanta helping prepare couples for marriage, serving as a spiritual guide to men, and also giving retreats to men and women in the area. Fr. Duran will speak about his experience counseling parents.
This evening is designed to help us to support one another in our community in our difficult task of forming our children in today’s culture. We encourage all parents of Middle School students to attend.
Please RSVP Here by Monday, April 25.
Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. John Angelle at
Schedule for Senior Week
Juniors and Seniors may purchase Prom tickets on the link below!
Juniors and Seniors are invited to read the following newsletter dated April 22, 2022.
Dear HSP families in Christ,
High school students are invited to our second Summer Leadership Course.
The objective of this course is to bring young men and women in front of some business leaders where they will have the opportunity to interact with them. The men and women will be able to share their stories about what they did to make it to the position they are in, what attracted them, some of the principles they use to guide their lives, and what role Faith plays in this journey.
We will be staying at Georgia Tech, where we will be commuting as a group to visit the business leaders, either in their offices, homes, or other venues.
Dates for the course are June 12-19. Arriving Sunday (June 12) evening and departing Sunday (June 19) morning after Mass.
Activities consist of visiting places of work, planning and running a service project, learning classic etiquette, enjoying time for games, and participating in the Sacraments.
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Fr. Andrew Gronotte
Dear Families,
Happy Easter! The Church gives us this whole week to celebrate this great mystery of our Faith, even if the Easter bunny and candy seem to have come and gone, the Risen Lord stays with us. This month at HSP, we are going over the virtue of Joy. Easter gives us the greatest joy we could ever imagine.
I am sure we can all think of things that we have or have done that make us happy. Maybe we can even feel guilty about having things and having done so much, and not feeling happy. Some of us can think, “I should be happy, look at all these other people who don’t have things, or haven’t done, and I’m not happy. I must be terrible. What’s wrong with me?” Maybe we have thought of this, or maybe we think we should be happy for some other reason. The good news is that Joy doesn’t depend on happiness, because joy is a virtue not a feeling.
Joy is a virtue that is given to us by the Holy Spirit and can be cultivated in our hearts and minds based on our Faith in Jesus. It has everything to do with the Resurrection, not just because we have Jesus back, or because He gives us something extra. I believe that the joy of this Easter season lies in the experience of the Risen Lord. In all the passages of the Resurrection, the people who met Jesus Risen, didn’t go to find Him, He wasn’t something that they could go get, He rather was received. Jesus came to them. He met them where they were.
The Resurrection is a reminder for us that Jesus can meet us in whatever situation we find ourselves. He can meet us at the loss of a loved one, as He did for Mary Magdalen in front of the tomb. He can meet us on the road fleeing from some fear, like He did for the disciples on the road to Emmaus. He can meet us locked up in an upper room, like He did for his disciples. He can meet us doing our work, like He did for the disciples when they were fishing. Anywhere becomes an opportunity for the Risen Lord to come, the only thing he asks, is that we be two or three united in His name and there He will be.
In the mystery of the Resurrection, we have all the necessary elements for us to find joy. First, we must be united with others. It can’t just be that we are together, but that we truly love those we are with. Second, we need to be in the state of grace, knowing we are forgiven. In other words, we need to be in a state of being open for Him to reveal Himself to us. And thirdly, we need a mission. The disciples were stuck in their fears, worries, and concerns. Jesus comes to get them out of that. He frees them by showing that He is still there with them. He gives us the mission of sharing love for one another when he says “go and love one another as I have loved you.” So, if we love those around us, are open to receiving God, and stop sitting in our problems we will experience the joy the disciples had in the Resurrection.
Jesus came that our joy may be complete. The world only fills us part way, to force us into a type of dependency, always needing more to hold on to a happiness that passes. Jesus fills us, and shows us through His Resurrection, He can fill even a tomb. Let Jesus fill your life and experience the joy that has no end.
God bless!
Fr. Andrew, LC
Regnum Christi is hosting a Morning of Reflection for Women on April 23rd from 7:30 am – 10:30 am.
The reflection will begin in St. Joseph’s Oratory (Upper School Liberal Arts Building), followed by Mass. We will then have breakfast followed by a presentation from Melissa Foley in the Library. Confession will be available.
All HSP men are invited to participate in a morning of reflection which will include two reflections, Mass, adoration, confession and breakfast.
When: April 30
Time: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Join for lunch afterwards.
Where: Malta Hall at Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Donation accepted on attendance.
To all who are interested in joining the mission trip to Colombia, below are some recent updates:
Should you have any questions, please contact Father Andrew at
This Week at Holy Spirit
Weekly Bulletin
Our High School Fine arts program will present its final program of the year on Thursday evening April 28th at 6:00 PM in the High School Gym.
Doors will open for the art show at 6:00 pm and will feature student artworks from all of the high school art classes. The concert portion begins at 7:00 pm and will feature our Orchestra, Choir, and Wind Symphony. The program will feature the following works:
Gavotte - Gossec
Canon in B Muse - Atwell
Excerpts from Paahelbel’s Canon - Palchelbel
Domine Salva Nos - Calvisius
Selections from the Sound of Music - Rogers and Hammerstein/ arr. Leavitt
Wind Symphony
Fort Canterbury March - Holsinger
Two movements from Lincolnshire Posy - Grainger/ arr. Sweeney
Centuries - arr. Kamuf
We hope you can join us for a wonderful showcase of our high school fine arts department!
The Varsity Tennis team competed in the State Individual Tournament earlier this week. All members of the team played hard in their matches, but senior Erin McGrath was the only athlete to advance to the finals. With the whole team cheering her on, Erin became the two-time State Champion for girls singles! Congratulations!
Next week, the boys and girls teams will be competing in the State Team Tournament. Wish them luck!
Congratulations to both the girls and boys varsity soccer teams for advancing to the State Playoffs! The boys team is ranked 2nd in the state, and the girls team is ranked 4th.
The girls will play their first round game against Terrell Academy this coming Tuesday, April 26. The game will be at HSP with the start time to be determined.
The boys have a bye for the first round, but they will enter the second round of the playoffs with a game next Saturday. The time and opponent are still to be determined based on the results from first round. Stayed tuned for more details!
We wish both teams the best of luck!
We're proud to announce that senior Asia Bay Jacobs has been named HSP's Positive Athlete for the 2021-2022 school year! In addition to this amazing recognition, Holy Spirit Prep has also been named the Most Positive School in the Atlanta region.
These awards are bestowed by Positive Athlete, an organization that celebrates young athletes who have overcome difficult circumstances, given back to their schools and communities in a significant way, or just have an infectious positive attitude that makes everyone around them a better person. Positive Athlete celebrates them with awards, corporately sponsored scholarships, unique opportunities, and local and national media promotion. Over 9 years, tens of thousands of high school athletes have been nominated by coaches, parents, teachers, family members, and fans. And over $500,000 in scholarships have been awarded.
This past Tuesday, we honored our seniors for varsity golf and varsity soccer during the girls and boys varsity soccer games. We loved hearing what our seniors had to say about their teammates, coaches, school, and overall sports experience, and we wish them all the best of luck in their future!
Thank you to all those who came out to support our seniors at their last home game of the regular season!
The Middle School Baseball team won their first round playoff game against DSB Astros last week but suffered a tough loss in the second round game. The boys ended 4th in the league after last night's consolation game.
Congratulations on a great season, boys! We're so proud of your hard work all season that brought you this far!
Please follow the link(s) below if your child(ren) will be participating in Lower School, Middle School and/or Varsity fall sports for the 2022-2023 school year. We need an estimate of participation numbers to help us plan for the upcoming fall season accordingly, so please fill out the form for all new and returning fall athletes.
Help Us Plan for K-6th Fall Soccer
Help Us Plan for MS/Varsity Fall Sports
We are restructuring the Varsity Cheer teams for next school year due to the number of interested students.
During football season, there will be one Varsity Game Day Cheer team that will cheer on the sidelines and compete in the State Championship in December. During basketball season, we will have JV and Varsity Cheer teams that will only cheer on the sidelines. There will be separate tryouts for each season, and all students must try out again each season.
Please contact Coach Morgan ( with any questions!
Join Coach Morgan and Coach Bailey for Cheer Tryout Prep!
When: Wednesdays, 4:15pm-5:30pm Where: Lower School Gym
These prep sessions are open to all 5th-11th grade girls interested in trying out for middle school, varsity, and/or game day cheer. We will focus on strength and conditioning for motions, jumps, stunts, and tumbling. We ask that you sign up for each session you plan on attending, so that we can plan accordingly.
Sign Up for Cheer Tryout Prep
Note: This year, students trying out for the middle school, varsity, and/or game day cheer teams are required to attend at least one Cheer Tryout Prep session. Please email Coach Morgan ( with any questions.
Remaining Dates April 27 May 4 May 11
Click Here to Download the PDF
Already thinking about fall sports? So are we!
Get ahead of the game and order your spirit gear for the upcoming fall sports season.
Order Spirit Gear