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Please save the date for our Women's Advent Candlelight retreat on December 4th!
The event will take place in Malta Hall from 5:00 - 8:00 PM.
RSVP Link Here
On December 6th, please join us for a Middle School Fireside Chat with Pete Radosta and Michelle Bertany!
We will be convening at 8:00 AM in the LS Library.
Please RSVP:
On Wednesday, December 7th, the 8th graders will visit Shakespeare Tavern to see "A Christmas Carol"!
Be on the lookout for further details.
Please note that we will be having Mass at each campus on Thursday, December 8th for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
All parents are welcome to attend Mass with us!
Since Mass will take place on Thursday, Flex will take place on Friday. Students must wear their dress uniforms on Thursday and then normal school uniform on Friday.
If your student is participating in the Christmas Spectacular on Friday, they will be allowed to wear their favorite Christmas sweater and jeans to school!
Saturday, December 3rd
CMLA Basketball Games - Week #4
Middle School Swimming - HSP Invitational 10:00am - 3:00pm • Chastain Park Pool
Varsity Swimming - HSP Invitational 10:00am - 2:00pm • Chastain Park Pool
Monday, December 5th
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. New Faith Christian Academy 5:30pm - 6:30pm • Home
Tuesday, December 6th
Girls Middle School Basketball vs. St. Martin's Episcopal School 4:15pm - 5:15pm • Home
Boys Middle School Basketball vs. St. Martin's Episcopal School - B-team 5:15pm - 6:15pm • Home
Boys Junior Varsity Basketball - Game vs. Hope Christian Academy 5:30pm - 6:30pm • Home
Boys Middle School Basketball vs. St. Martin's Episcopal School - A-Team 6:15pm - 7:15pm • Home
Wednesday, December 7th
Varsity Fall Cheerleading - Game Day Showcase - New Date! 6:15pm - 7:15pm • Lower School Gym
Thursday, December 8th
Middle School Swimming - AGS Meet 1:30pm - 6:00pm • Georgia Tech Recreation Center
Varsity Swimming - AGS Meet 1:30pm - 5:00pm • Georgia Tech Recreation Center
Boys Junior Varsity Basketball vs. Holy Innocents' Episcopal School - Game 5:30pm - 6:30pm • Home
Hi HSP families:
It's that time for us to begin planning of spring sports. Please take the time to fill out this form if your student in grades 6-12th grade is planning on playing a spring sport at HSP in soccer, baseball, golf, track & field or tennis.
Ready to register for spring sports - please do so using this registration link.
For our K-5th grade students, we will be playing soccer in the spring with the CMLA. Please use this registration link. For any questions about spring soccer, please contract Sam Walker at
Secret Santa Shop Opens Next Week!!
The elves have been busy getting the Secret Santa Shop ready! We have great items for students to gift to family and friends!! Please remember to send in payment (cash or check) and lists on the day your students shop! K-5 families will find more info on Friday folders. The schedule is below for reference and of course we would love to have more volunteers!!
K: Tuesday 9:30-10:35
1st: Tuesday 8:30-9:30
2nd: Monday 8:15-10:30
3rd: Wednesday 8:15-10:00
4th: Thursday 1:15-2:30
5th: Wednesday 1:15-2:30
MS: Wednesday or Thursday during lunch and recess; Friday during Flex (note: teachers will help to direct students to shop during these times)
We still need parent volunteers to help staff the Secret Santa Store. Please see the signup link below to sign-up. We are still in need of cashiers, shoppers and gift wrappers for next week. Thank you for your support!
Secret Santa Shop Volunteers
PVA Christmas Pop-up Shop at the Christmas Spectacular - HSP PVA is excited to open a Christmas Pop-up Shop at the Christmas Spectacular. We will have a large selection of houseware, accessories, jewelry and religious gifts for your holiday shopping needs. Come see us in the cafeteria before or after the Christmas Spectacular.
LS/MS PVA Annual Faculty/Staff Holiday Collection
HSP's Got Talent
The Lower and Middle School PVA is delighted to announce a new spring event "HSP's Got Talent," a talent showcase for students in grades K through 8 that will take place on Thursday, March 2. More information on this fun event, including auditions and suggested acts, will be shared after we return from Thanksgiving.
Come out and support out Varsity Cheerleaders on Wednesday, December 7 at 6:15 in the Lower School Gym as they showcase their State Championship routine! The girls will be competing this same routine on Saturday, December 10, in Macon at the State Cheer Championships!
Good luck!
Ana Maria Alessandrini Garcia Abby Casillo Caroline Castellaw Riordan Gatwood Anastasia Grantham Bernadette Grantham Mary Meyer Martin Mariana Munoz Sophia Napier Brooke Nguyen Alondra Olguin Alexa Padilla Laci Rubio Bella Sanchez Michelle Sande Lilah Sell Savannah Tate Kira Taylor Samantha Vazquez Layelin Zamora Coach Gallagher & Coach Bailey
If your student is performing in the Christmas Spectacular on Friday, they will be allowed to wear their favorite Christmas sweater and jeans to school!
Dear Holy Spirit Prep Family, It is hard to believe we are already one month into the new academic year. During the challenging circumstances of the pandemic that we continue to face, our Holy Spirit Prep community has continued to thrive, remaining faithful to the original mission of Holy Spirit Preparatory School - developing a communion of joyful souls dedicated to Catholic discipleship in holistic, classically-inspired education. As of today, Holy Spirit Prep’s 2022-2023 Annual Fund campaign is officially underway! The Annual Fund is our primary annual fundraising effort. If you have not already done so, please watch this beautiful message from Amanda and Rick Kuhlman, our 2022 - 2023 Annual Fund Chairs. Help us continue to improve, grow, and thrive. The Catholic Church has historically emphasized the critical role of parents, and the family in the process of educating the faithful. HSP strives to provide financial aid opportunities to qualified Catholic students who do not have the means to attend. This need-based approach is an effort to provide the highest quality Catholic education to entire families and to recognize the Church’s twin missions of teaching and evangelization. The economic realities relating to the cost of providing this type of education mandate a robust fundraising program and a commitment to proper stewardship of all the resources of the school. Without a community commitment to fundraising, it would be difficult for Holy Spirit Prep to survive as an institution supporting the family. Contributions to the Annual Fund demonstrate the community’s commitment to the proper formation of our children—and allow Holy Spirit Prep to maintain the highest quality Catholic education. We respectfully request every HSP family to participate in the 2022-23 Annual Fund to the best of their ability. Jesus taught us how. “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” Proverbs 11:2 Over the next few weeks, you will receive regular updates and reminders about the Annual Fund. We encourage you to read these messages and reach out to our Director of Advancement, Edward Festa with any questions. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs for charitable contributions made by their employees. Check if your company has a matching gift policy. The impact of your gift to Holy Spirit Prep could be doubled. Please support the 2022-23 Annual Fund at any one of the following Giving Levels by October 7, 2022. We are all called to make our best gift.
You may notice we added a new giving level, St. Joseph Calasanz. St. Joseph Calasanz dedicated his life to the education of poor and neglected children, including numerous schools where poor children could attend for free. I offer you my sincerest thanks for your support. God bless you and your wonderful families!
In Christ, Michelle Bertany
The Poor Widow’s Contribution. He sat down opposite the treasury and observed how the crowd put money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents. Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them, “Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” Mark 12: 41-44
Make your 2023 GOAL Pledge today in support of Holy Spirit Preparatory School!
Applications are still open, and credits are being consumed at a higher rate this year! Secure your credits before they are gone! Apply HERE.
Contact Brittney Bailey at or call 678.904.2811 should you have any questions.
On December 10th, there will be a "Middle School Boy’s Advent Bash" hosted at the Bertany's house!
The event will be held from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. We hope you can join!
Please RSVP here:
Please assist us in shaping our afterschool offerings for the second semester.
Complete this brief, anonymous survey (linked HERE) in order for us to gauge interest in the clubs that may be provided. Please complete one for each child, should you have more than one attending HSP.
The survey will remain active until Monday morning 12/5. Thank you!
Thank you to all who joined for Family Advent Night! It was a great evening of prayer, reflection and making crafts and cards.
Please see the updated volunteer needs for upcoming events. Upcoming events include St. Nick Day (stuffing shoes) and Christmas Spectacular Pop-up Christmas Shop. Thank you for your support!!
HSP LS/MS PVA Signup Genius
The House of Nicaea’s Upper School leadership visited the Middle School this week to have lunch with their Middle School counterparts. Nicaea members were able to attend recess together with the Upper Schoolers for some fun activities, and also broke bread together at lunch.
The House of Chalcedon is working on their apostolate, which will be Christmas Caroling and gift giving to residents in a senior citizen community sponsored by Catholic Charities. The event will be on Thursday, December 15th. All Middle Schoolers will be invited to participate by bringing donations and/or coming to carol as a group. Be on the lookout for more details!
Dear High School Parents,
It is hard to believe that the end of the semester is upon us. I wanted to reach out to you with a few reminders regarding the last few weeks of the semester.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
On Thursday, December 8th, we will be celebrating the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and formal dress uniform will be required for Mass. We will be having our “Flex Day” on Friday, December 9th, which will involve door decorating and other activities! Students may wear their regular uniform on Friday.
Midterm Exams Midterm exams will begin on Monday 12/12 and conclude Thursday 12/15. Below please find the midterm exam schedule.
Exam one
8:30-10:00 am
Extended time or break for students
10:00-10:45 am
Exam two
11:00-12:30 pm
Extended time
12:30-1:15 pm
Monday 12/12
A and B period exams
Tuesday 12/13
C and D period exams
Wednesday 12/14
E and F period exams
Thursday 12/15
G and H period exams
Friday 12/16
Winter House Day
Early Dismissal
Student Requirements:
Students are only required to come to school if they have an exam, and only for the exam block that they have (if they have only one in a day).
Please have your child check their exam schedule carefully to create a plan.
The regular school uniform is required during exams.
We ask that students get a good night's sleep each night and limit the use of technology as much as possible.
Students should also plan to bring in a snack and water to consume during their exam breaks.
Lunch will not be provided during exam week.
Students should be picked up promptly at 12:30 pm or 1:15 pm if they have extended time.
Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions about exams.
At the conclusion of exam week, we will have our annual Winter House Day on Friday 12/16. This will be a half day filled with many fun activities for the students and faculty. Students may dress down in Christmas attire (all dress-down day rules apply: no shorts, sweatpants, pajama pants, or leggings) and enjoy friendly house competitions. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 pm.
Please know that you are all in my prayers, and I hope you enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving Break.
God bless,
Michelle Bertany
Holy Spirit Preparatory School • 4449 Northside Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30327 • 678.904.2811
On 12/7, Father Juan Pablo will be offering penance service by the chapel. More details will be announced to students next week!
Messiah - by George Frideric Handel
George Frideric Handel
Born February 23, 1685 Halle, Germany
Died April 14, 1759 London, England
George Frideric Handel was a German-British Baroque composer well known for his operas, oratorios, anthems, concerti grossi, and organ concertos. Handel received his training in Halle and worked as a composer in Hamburg and Italy before settling in London in 1712, where he spent the bulk of his career and became a naturalized British subject in 1727. He was strongly influenced both by the middle-German polyphonic choral tradition and by composers of the Italian Baroque. In turn, Handel's music forms one of the peaks of the "high baroque" style, bringing Italian opera to its highest development, creating the genres of English oratorio and organ concerto, and introducing a new style into English church music. He is consistently recognized as one of the greatest composers of his age.
Handel started three commercial opera companies to supply the English nobility with Italian opera. In 1737, he had a physical breakdown, changed direction creatively, and addressed the middle class and made a transition to English choral works. After his success with Messiah (1742), he never composed an Italian opera again. His orchestral Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks remain steadfastly popular. One of his four coronation anthems, Zadok the Priest, has been performed at every British coronation since 1727. Almost blind, he died in 1759, a respected and rich man, and was given a state funeral at Westminster Abbey.
Handel composed more than forty opere serie over a period of more than thirty years. Since the late 1960s, interest in Handel's music has grown. The musicologist Winton Dean wrote that "Handel was not only a great composer; he was a dramatic genius of the first order." His music was admired by Classical-era composers, including Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven.
The Messiah is an English-language oratorio composed in 1741 with text compiled from the King James Bible and the Coverdale Psalter by Charles Jennens. It premiered in Dublin on April 13, 1742, at Easter rather than at Christmastime, when it is popularly played in the present day. A large-scale semi dramatic work for chorus, soloists, and orchestra, it is the source of the familiar “Hallelujah Chorus.” Messiah is by far the most frequently performed of all oratorios.
In Christian theology, the Messiah is the savior of humankind. The Messiah is an Old Testament Hebrew word meaning "the Anointed One", which in New Testament Greek is Christ, a title given to Jesus of Nazareth, known by his followers as "Jesus Christ". Handel's Messiah has been described by the early-music scholar Richard Luckett as "a commentary on [Jesus Christ's] Nativity, Passion, Resurrection and Ascension'', beginning with God's promises as spoken by the prophets and ending with Christ's glorification in heaven. In contrast with most of Handel's oratorios, the singers in Messiah do not assume dramatic roles; there is no single, dominant narrative voice; and very little use is made of quoted speech. In his libretto, Jennens's intention was not to dramatize the life and teachings of Jesus, but to acclaim the "Mystery of Godliness", using a compilation of extracts from the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible, and from the Psalms included in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.
The three-part structure of the work approximates to that of Handel's three-act operas, with the "parts" subdivided by Jennens into "scenes". Each scene is a collection of individual numbers or "movements'' which take the form of recitatives, arias and choruses. There are two instrumental numbers, the opening Sinfony in the style of a French overture, and the pastoral Pifa, often called the "pastoral symphony", at the mid-point of Part I.
In Part I, the Messiah's coming and the virgin birth are predicted by the Old Testament prophets. The annunciation to the shepherds of the birth of the Christ is represented in the words of Luke's gospel.
Part II covers Christ's passion and his death, his resurrection and ascension, the first spreading of the gospel through the world, and a definitive statement of God's glory summarized in the Hallelujah.
Part III begins with the promise of redemption, followed by a prediction of the day of judgment and the "general resurrection", ending with the final victory over sin and death and the acclamation of Christ.
Recommended Recording: Handel: Messiah - Atlanta Symphony Orchestra & Chamber Chorus, Robert Shaw (Telarc)
Listen on AppleMusic Listen on Spotify
Further Listening: Handel: Messiah (on period instruments) - The English Concert & Choir, Trevor Pinnock (Deutsche Grammophon)
In Atlanta we are blessed to be the home of one of America's greatest orchestras, the Atlanta Symphony. Here is a link to purchase tickets to hear Handel’s Messiah (Part I) performed live by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra on December 22nd. Buy Tickets
Empty Bowls: The National Art Honor Society students and the High School Visual Art classes are creating Empty Bowls to raise awareness of those who are hungry and to help alleviate hunger one bowl at a time. All students, parents, faculty, and staff are invited to come to Room C103 and make their own Empty Bowls on Mondays, Wednesday or Fridays from 8:45 AM-3:15 PM in room 103 whenever they have a “free moment.” Just send Mrs. Stone an email at and let her know when you are coming.
It takes about 25-35 minutes to make a bowl depending on the mold and the design you select. You can come back the next week to glaze your bowl or ask a NAHS student to glaze it for you. No artistic experience is needed. We have all the tools to make your bowl a success! You will thoroughly enjoy this experience and you will be glad you took the time to into your God-given artistic potential. The contribution for a bowl ranges from $15 - $40 depending on the size of the bowl. You can donate to keep your own bowl or donate it to the cause so someone else can select your bowl.
Empty Bowls is an international grassroots effort to alleviate hunger. The basic premise is simple: Potters and other craftspeople, educators, students and others work with the community to create handcrafted bowls. Guests are invited to make a ceramic bowl and invited to either donate the bowls to the cause or reserve the bowl to keep as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world.
The money raised will be donated to St. Francis Table at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for a Thanksgiving and Christmas meal for those who are hungry in Downtown Atlanta.
Dear Families,
The month of November is quickly approaching, and with it comes the holiday season. 2022 is also coming to a close. We are at the final sprint, and it seems to be a very steep uphill. So much going on and so much to prepare for. Each year it seems like we have more to do. We also have new challenges that we have had to face this past year, which create a little bit of baggage as we have family coming into town or we have to go visit. Maybe we have a lot of mixed feelings towards these coming days, from feeling happy to a sense of feeling overwhelmed with all we have to do. At the Lower School, we will be working on gratitude this next month. This virtue can help us live these coming days in the correct disposition.
John Paul II said we should look at the past with gratitude, the present with enthusiasm, and the future with confidence. As anxiety could creep in looking forward in these months, only when we take a moment to look back on this year and take a moment to say thank you for all we have accomplished, can this give us peace to look forward with confidence?
Maybe we hear the word thank you often, but to live this virtue is more than a habit of saying thank you. To be grateful is to have a disposition of heart that when we look back on any object, situation, event, or even person, we can recognize the love that was offered to us in the form of a gift.
Gratitude is considered the most exotic flower in the garden of virtues by Henry Ward Beecher. Seeing our soul as a garden full of flowers helps us envision the beauty of our life. Gratitude as the most exotic, or rare, can help us understand how special it is. When we meet a grateful person, we feel good and recognize something special in that person.
Gratitude requires us to stop and reflect. The flower can only bud when the roots have been grounded in a time of reflection. Rather than just a quick thank you, a person who lives the virtue of gratitude ponders the gift received. The gift given fills them with wonder and awe. Taking time to write a thank you note or saying what we like about the gift can be helpful ways to take more time in our thank you’s.
The flower buds colorfully when the right nutrients are there. Humility is the most important of those nutrients. When our gratitude is nourished with humility, we can acknowledge the good someone else offers to us. When I was a little boy I would go pick clover flowers and bring them to my mom. She was so grateful for those weeds, although I had thought I was offering flowers. She saw in the weed an attempt to show affection. A humble heart recognizes that everything is a gift.
One of the reasons gifts are special is because they reveal the relationship of love that exists between two people. The gift is important because it unites two people in love and when received in wonder and admiration, the beautiful fruit produced is one of gratitude. When we are not grateful we are blind to the love offered.
May the end of this year be a time to remember the love that has been present and may these memories carry us through to 2023.
God bless!
Fr Andrew, LC
Video on Virtue of the Month:
This Week at Holy Spirit
Weekly Bulletin
Friday, November 18th and Saturday, November 19th, seven members of the Holy Spirit Clays Team competed in the GIAA State Championships at the Forest City Gun Club in Savannah, Ga. Nineteen schools participated, sending over 500 shooters to the event.
The temperatures were low and the wind and morale high. On Friday, the team shot 4 rounds of skeet (100 shots total), then cleaned guns and prepared for Saturday. Saturday, the team shot four rounds of trap (100 shots) followed by 100 shots of sporting clay, with no time to waste between venues.
Given the tight timelines, everyone had to be very efficient.
Each of our team members shot either their best scores to date or very close to them. A season of regular practice and local matches made the State Championship seem routine, and everyone remembered that in practice you work to improve your technique, and in a match you have fun. It is like doing homework regularly, studying hard routinely, and then taking an easy test.
One of the biggest lessons learned this season is that the conscious mind can only think of one thing at a time. Practice means building and improving routines such that an intuitive response follows the call for the target. The conscious mind can then focus on what is important, which is following the shot plan. The subconscious will focus on managing concentration from the general, target acquisition phase, to the specific, trigger actuation phase. While this sounds easy, it is not, and to do so consistently takes practice under many differing conditions. With stress inoculation built up while attending local matches over the course of the season, our shooters could just relax and have a good time, with good scores following as a natural result.
I am very grateful to our assistant coaches, Mrs. Kathleen Magnusson, and Mr. Brian Van Oss, for all of their help this season. And we are all very proud of our athletes who showed determination, discipline, and positive attitudes of learning over these past four months. We especially congratulate out 3 seniors - Kaitlyn Hatchew, Ava Sipos, Carlton Martin - and wish them all the best beyond high school. We are looking forward to next season and adding team members. Those interested should complete the Georgia DNR Hunter Safety Course as soon as possible. Also, please see the attached presentation describing Clays Target shooting and team requirements.
- Coach Harrington
Please enjoy the attached presentation: Clays Presentation.pdf
3rd Grade Boys - Game Recap and Highlights 3-0
HSP 3rd grade boys beat IHM 48-14. Every player on our team scored thanks to teamwork and some awesome assists!!
HSP 3rd grade boys beat St. Brigid 29 - 12. All players had an opportunity to play point guard. Nicholas Sacco scored 12 points (a season high). Niko & Siler scored 6 points each. We had 7 players.
4th Grade Girls - Game Recap and Highlights: 2-1 on the season
HSP 4th Grade Girls beat St. Joseph’s 10-3. HSP jumped out to an 8-0 lead and held on for victory. Veronica Wingate led the team with 4 pts, while Catherine Meder, Milu Friedrich, and Paular Millsap each had 2 pts.
5th Grade Girls - Game Recap and Highlights 3-0 on the season
HSP beat St. John Bosco 19-12.
5th Grade Boys - Game Recap and Highlights 1-2 on the season
HSP's fifth grade boys basketball team was defeated by
GOOD LUCK this weekend in week #4 games!
Our girls and boys MS basketball teams played great this week vs. The Atlanta International School. All 3 of our teams - MS Girls, MS Boys A team and MS Boys B team came away with victories!
We look forward to watching you play next Tuesday in the Lower School Gym vs. St. Martins! Come out and support our middle school athletes!
Keep up the great work! GO COUGARS!
5th Grade Girls Basketball: Lucy Mulcare
"Lucy hit her first ever jump shot in HSP 5 Girls Basketball Game on Saturday! Not only were these points crucial in our 19-12 win, she also had a free throw and played outstanding defensive against a very tough team! Way to go Lucy!
MS Boys Basketball A team: Luke Sacco
MS Boys Basketball B team: Noe Santillian and Ferami Browne
MS Girls Basketball: Payton Palmer
"Payton has showed hard work, resilience and determination in all of the practices and games thus far! Keep up the great work!" - Coach Sasha
Past Cougar Athletes of the Week:
Varsity Swim:
Andrew Olsen
Middle School Swim:
Lucas Kichler
3rd Grade Boys Basketball
Teddy Alverson
5th Grade Boys Basketball Arthur Labbe Karim Santillian
MS Girls Basketball: Rachel Meder MJ Twomey Gianna Mulcare
MS Boys Basketball: Roman Donner
Logan Lanier
Middle School Cheer:
Gianna Mulcare
Middle School Cross Country Luke Sacco Evan Craig Catherine Slinkard
Varsity Cross Country - Davis Braun Adam Young Jacob Wilhelm Reagan Neff Keira Jessop Jackson Sacco
Varsity Clay Targets - Dillon Harrington Carlton Martin Keaton Neff Aram Santillian Kaitlyn Hatchew Brady Van Oss Bradley Magnusson Nathalie Anaya-Ruiz Maddie Van Oss Ava Sipos Evan Sipos Luke Craig
Middle School Cheer Evelyn Labbe Camila Castellanos Audrey Nguyen
Varsity Cheer Layelin Zamora Michelle Sande Kira Taylor Sophia Napier
Middle School Volleyball Ariana Lajara Isla Page Camilla Haller Theresa Meder
JV Volleyball Camila Florentino Lauren Wilhelm Mackenzie Manning Marlyn Pineda
Varsity Volleyball Reagan Twomey Ava Sipos Blair Ecker X2 Mary Anna Cumbie Mel Menay
Varsity Football: Jacob Meder
Calling all Cougar Fans! It's time to the 2022-23 Athletic Booster Club!
Support our student athletes through joining the Holy Spirit Prep Athletic Booster Club!
The Holy Spirit Prep Athletic Booster Club has one goal - to enhance the experience of our student athletes on all three campuses. The HSP Athletic Booster Club funds will enhance our budget, allowing us to provide supplemental equipment, coaching, and programs to improve the athletics experience for all our students. These funds will be obtained through HSP Athletic Booster Club membership, restricted athletics donations, spirit gear sales, and event ticket and concession sales.
The HSP Athletic Booster Club recognizes that participation in school athletics benefits everyone. In addition to financial support, the HSPABC promotes opportunities to build and strengthen relationships among all constituencies through enthusiastic participation of volunteers, students, coaches, parents, school faculty and staff, sponsors, community members, alumni and grandparents.
Depending on the level of membership, personalized admission passes will be issued to you for a select number or all regular season home games!
For additional information on levels, please click here. On behalf of all students, coaches and fans here at HSP, thank you for your support!
Please contact Kristina Wilhelm, Director of Athletics, for additional information, at
Thank you to our current Booster Club Members! Click here for more information on how to join.
Gold Members ($1,000+) David & Stephanie Cusimano The De Santolo Family Chris & Megan Durham The Grubbs Family Nicholas & Tricia Mulcare Ashok & Kim Reddy The Slinkard Family Harold & Lisa Wyatt
Silver Members ($500+) Chris & Alexandra Burris Kelly & Collen Craig Mike & Carolyn Ecker Albert & Sallie Forrester The Hossain-Aguilar Family Kendall Kerew Scott Kerew Peter & Jennifer Manning Erik & Holly Richmond Kevin & Ellen Twomey Ryan & Kristina Wilhelm
Green Members ($250+) Anonymous (1) Mark & Rebecca Bernier The Cabrara Family Brooks & Kate Castellaw The Hutchins Family Joe & Maria Kichler Rick & Amanda Kuhlman Kathleen, Kelly and Bradley Magnusson Chris & Margaret Martin Juan & Mary Martinez Mike & Kathy Prieto Chris & Christian Riley Whitney & Ashley Wolf
Members ($100+) Anonymous (1) Cesar & Clara Olguin Javier & Alanna Oliver The Santillan Family Stacey Weiss The Zelaya Family
The Athletic Booster Club is seeking Corporate Sponsorships!
As we prepare for the 2022-2023 school year, we are seeking corporate sponsorships to support the Athletics budget. Please click here for additional information.
Sponsorship Visual Benefits:
Limited 4x6ft vinyl outdoor banner on the baseball fence on the High School campus, the soccer/football field on the High School campus, and the soccer field fence on the Lower School campus.
Additional Benefits for all Corporate Sponsors
All the benefits included for the highest level of Athletic Booster Club Membership
To learn more about the opportunity to become a Corporate Sponsor, please contact Director of Athletics Kristina Wilhelm at
Magnanimity: "opening your heart to help everyone"
It is a moral virtue gained through human effort which builds on the theological and cardinal virtues.
"Cheerfulness consists in not regarding things as our own, but as entrusted to us by God for the benefit of our fellow-servants. It consists in scattering them abroad generously with joy and magnanimity, not reluctantly or under compulsion." Symeon The New Theologian
"We can not communicate with the Lord if we do not communicate with each other. If we want to present ourselves to him, we must take a step towards meeting one another. To do this we must learn the great lesson of forgiveness: we must not let the gnawings of resentment work in our soul but must open our hearts to the magnanimity of listening to others, open our hearts to understanding them, eventually to accepting their apologies, to generously offering our own." - Pope Benedict XVI
Please take your time and read the following article by Fr. Brian Cavanaugh. It is worth reading to your student athlete as well.
"Pope Benedict XVI in his Encyclical Letter, “Spe Salvi – on Christian Hope” wrote, “Man was created for greatness — for God himself; he was created to be filled by God. But his heart is too small for the greatness to which it is destined. It must be stretched.”[15]
Magnanimity challenges each individual to grow into the fullness God created him/her to be, with one’s own unique set of gifts and talents. It means to believe in yourself because it is God who created you with a lofty vision for your life, to have noble ambitions, to dream great dreams; simply, to believe you are worthy as a child of God and that you are created to do great things. This is a virtue that will stretch a person to become uncommon, significant, and magnanimous." - Fr. Brian Cavanaugh